9 Dangers of Smoking Cigarettes for Health

Dangers of smoking
Dangers of smoking. Smoking can harm almost every organ of the body and will cause various diseases which can certainly affect the health of smokers in general. Stop eliminate the smoking habit, it can provide an immediate benefit that can be felt immediately and in the long term.

The magnitude of the dangers of smoking is already recognized by the smoker, this is because on every pack of cigarettes there is a warning about the effects caused by smoking. However, someone who already has a strong dependence on cigarettes for smokers who want to quit can make it suck. Here are 9 dangers of smoking that can threaten health.

Dangers of Smoking

Dangers of smoking
  1. Cancer
  2. Smoking can cause about 90% of deaths from lung cancer in men and 80% in women. The risk of death due to lung cancer can be 23 times higher in male smokers and 13 times higher in women who smoke than in those who are not do not smoke.
    In a study shows that non-smokers who live with smokers have a 24% higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers in general. Dangers of smoking can also cause bladder cancer, kidney, pancreas,esophagus, oral cavity, vocal cords, cervix, pharynx, and stomach.

  3. Respiratory disorders
  4. Dangers of smoking can increase the risk of death from lung disease chronic to 10-fold. Approximately 90% of deaths due to chronic lung disease caused by smoking.

  5. Impaired fetal
  6. Smoking habits will also adversely affect the reproductive health and fetal contained in the womb, including infertility, miscarriage, fetal death, infants born with low birth weight, and sudden infant death syndrome.

  7. Heart disease
  8. Smoking can lead to atherosclerosis, or hardening that occurs in the blood vessels. Such conditions may occur due to the buildup of fatty substances in the arteries block blood flow, fat and plaque that can make the constriction of blood vessels. This can lead to heart disease attack.
    The heart is forced to work harder and the extra pressure that ultimately leads to chest pain. If one or more arteries become completely blocked, a heart attack may occur. The more cigarettes produced and the longer a person smokes, the greater the opportunity to increase the number of people with heart disease or stroke.

  9. Lung disease
  10. The risk of getting diseases such as emphysema, pneumonia, or chronic bronchitis may be increased due to the habit of smoking. The disease is referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
    Lung disease can progress and worsen over from time to time until the person eventually dies. According to the American Cancer Society, a person who is aged about more than 40 years may suffer from bronchitis or emphysema, but there are symptoms that are worse in the future.

  11. Diabetes
  12. According to the Cleveland Clinic, smoking may increase the risk of developing diabetes. Dangers of smoking also causes complications of diabetes, such as kidney disease, heart disease, eye disease, vascular disease, foot problems, and stroke.

  13. Causes of blindness
  14. Dangers of smoking can increase the risk of macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly experienced. In a study which was published 'Archives of Ophthalmology' people who smoke 4 times more likely than people who are non-smokers to develop macular degeneration, which destroys the macula, the center of the retina, and can destroy the sharp central vision.

  15. Mouth disease
  16. Mouth disease can also be caused by smoking. Mouth disease caused by smoking include cancer of the mouth, throat cancer, and others.

  17. Impotence
  18. Smoking is a major risk factor for peripheral vascular disease that will narrow the blood vessels throughout the body blood carrier. The blood vessels in the male reproductive organs may be affected due to the possibility of a small-sized blood vessels and can lead to dysfunction impotence.

That's 9 dangers of smoking that can threaten health. The most important thing to do to get out of the habit of smoking is with earnest intentions.

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