12 Health Benefits of Chocolate

Benefits of chocolate
The benefits of chocolate. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans are processed Latin name Theobroma cacao. Chocolate is usually used as a gift of gratitude, sympathy, and so on. Chocolate can also be beneficial for your health. Additionally, chocolate is also good for beauty.

However, chocolate is often considered to be a food that can damage teeth and can make fat. Damage to the teeth and can make fat, this is because the sugar content contained in chocolate. read also the article about the benefits of spinach and benefits of carrots. Here are the benefits of chocolate.

Benefits of Chocolate

  1. Able to lower blood pressure
  2. The benefits of chocolate can lower blood pressure. This is because chocolate contains flavonoids which are antioxidants. Antioxidants are able for assist in lowering blood pressure by producing nitric oxide. It can also help for balance hormones in the body.

  3. Prevent some cancers
  4. In a study indicate that chocolate can be beneficial to assist in inhibiting cancer cell division and reducing inflammation.

  5. Preventing heart attack
  6. The benefits of chocolate can prevent heart disease, it is because chocolate contains that can make the cardiovascular system to be able to run smoothly.

  7. Lowering cholesterol
  8. Consuming chocolate is beneficial in helping to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol or HDL.

  9. Improve blood circulation
  10. Flavonoids contained in chocolate helps in improving blood circulation by dilating blood vessels in the brain that can increase blood flow.

  11. Relieving stress
  12. According to research from the University of California, Sandiego, people who are experiencing stress, ranging from mild stress levels or levels of depression, they claimed to consume chocolate when they bad mood. Chocolate contains psychoactive molecule that makes consume feel comfortable. Chocolate has some content such as caffeine, methyl-xanthine, theobromine, and phenylethylalanine believed to improve mood and reduce fatigue so the chocolate can be used as an anti-depression medication.

  13. Prevent aging
  14. Benefits of chocolate can prevent aging. Chocolate can inhibit premature wrinkles or lines on the face. Chocolate contains natural antioxidants can to delay.

  15. Smoothing the skin
  16. Chocolate was able to protect from UV rays, keeping the skin moist, and can take care of to keep it shining. This is because the content of flavanols contained in chocolate. Chocolate can maintain skin elasticity and also rejuvenate skin cells. This can avoid dark spots and rough skin.

  17. Lose weight
  18. Chocolate can participate in helping the diet program. Chocolate is rich in fiber such as bread, wheat, and fruits that can help to diet.

  19. Maintain eye health
  20. Chocolate can help in maintaining eye health. This is because the flow of blood to the retina can be increased as well as help improve vision and eye acuity.

  21. Increase the production of insulin
  22. Consuming chocolate may increase insulin production naturally. With increasing insulin production, it can help reduce the risk of diabetes. By eating chocolate also get extra energy to continue activities.

  23. Maintaining brain health
  24. Chocolate can be useful to make the nerves to be relaxed so as to help the system of the brain that controls all the organs work.

That 12 benefits of chocolate. The benefits of chocolate is that it can maintain eye health, lose weight, lowering cholesterol, relieving stress, and others.

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