Now it has many outstanding products that offer supplements can make the body becomes rapidly higher. However, whether the products offered can make the body become taller? Well, for those who may have been trying to raise the height by taking such supplements, and until now there has been a satisfactory result, it is better to use methods increase height naturally. Here's how to increase height.
How to Increase Height

- Stretching This is one way to increase height. After waking up, doing stretching. Kicking movements of each leg 75 times. For maximum results, after drinking milk containing high calcium. Before going to bed you can do stretching in bed. With sleeping position and all bodies drawn. Then sleep with the correct pattern.
- Swimming By doing regular exercise such as swimming, basketball, cycling, and so is a natural way to increase height. swimming has been known to have many benefits to add height. Swimming can make the body become more flexible. Do swam every day at least 30 minutes.
- Yoga You can do yoga to increase height. Do yoga routine to the accompaniment of slow music. Set proper breathing at every movement. High calcium milk drink. In the afternoon you can ride. Before going to bed to do a bit of yoga on the bed and with the accompaniment of slow music. Set the correct breathing. Sleeping with the correct pattern.
- Cycling cycling is a great way to add height which can be done easily. This is because the movement of the foot during the pedal, your leg muscles will be stimulated and can ultimately increase height quickly. Do cycling at least 10-15 minutes per day.
- Jump As with cycling, with the jumping leg muscles will be stimulated, which in turn makes the body becomes higher. Therefore, it is suitable for jumps performed at bedtime and cycling in the morning or afternoon.
- Sleeping with the correct pattern Often a person sleeps with the wrong position can cause posture to be incorrect, as the body is stooped. Correct sleeping position was supine, head facing up, legs straight, and do not use a pillow that is too high.
- Sleep regularly and avoid staying up late If you've been exercising hard and you stay up at night, then your efforts become futile exercise. This is because nearly 95% of human growth occurs during the sleep state. At the time of the move normal circumstances, there was a surge of human growth hormone that tends to occur approximately one before bedtime. So for it to sleep on a regular basis is something that must be done to increase height.
- Enough calcium Calcium is a mineral that is essential for bone growth, among others, for the metabolism of the body, connecting the nerves, preventing osteoporosis, the performance of the heart, muscle movement, and others. Sources of calcium found in foods such as eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, bananas, and many more.
- Avoid eating before bed 2 hours before bed try not to eat, this is because eating before bedtime can trigger insulin which can inhibit growth hormone distribution bodies.
- Avoid foods inhibiting bone growth Reduce consumption of foods that contain large amounts of fat, junk food, fried food. Avoid soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol because it can inhibit human growth hormone or HGH and slow the absorption of calcium, as surely hinder bone growth. You can drink milk as a source of calcium for the body.
- Maintain posture To maintain the shape of the spine, should be to maintain our posture so as not to look stooped. When sitting, writing at a table, or walking. As much as possible to keep the guard posture in an upright position so that it does not affect the shape of the spine.
- Inadequate nutrition in the body Enough protein, vitamins can help to increase height quickly. Food sources that can accelerate bone growth such as yogurt, eggs, milk, cheese, meat is a source of zinc, magnesium, chromium and calcium is good for bone growth.
That's how to increase height. You can use a variety of ways such as enough calcium, exercising, yoga, nutritional requirements of the body, and others. Make a new lifestyle that has been collated with a healthy lifestyle so that the results can be maximized. Do not overdo it and force yourself to quickly reach tens of centimeters in a short time, as this all require the process. It would be nice to do on a regular basis and do not push yourself.
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